Montessori Minutes 11/23
Happy Monday Wishes San Tan Montessori Preschool Families,
Reminders for this week:
Mon & Tues: Full days of school with aftercare
Wednesday: Half day of school dismissal @ 11:30-No lunch or aftercare
Thurs & Fri: No School
Download Weekly Newsletters – Thank you Ms. Kami Kerby, Ms. Megan Hubbard, and Ms. Karis Stapley
Music Together
Hello from Ms. Kerby!
While we are sad we had to cancel the “Munch and Sing” due to the weather, it has opened up a new possibility for our families!
In lieu of our “Munch and Sing,” we would love for you to join us in your child’s music class. Please pick the date that works best for you December, 4th, 11th, or 18th, and email Ms. Kerby to reserve your spot. She will let you know your child’s class time and some brief expectations during music time.
Check out our music newsletter to see the fun things we’ve been up to in class.
Musically Yours,
Kami Kerby
In-school Music Together® Specialist
Charlie Brown Thanksgiving – Rainy Day Schedule Plan
Knowing the rain and cold may prevent some preschool families from staying for our Charlie Brown Thanksgiving Ms. Hubbard has hung all the preschool Thankful Art in the Preschool halls. Here is a message from our Recker Campus K-8 Principal regarding the event…
Rain, Rain, Go Away!!! The weather forecast for Charlie Brown Thanksgiving indicates that it will be a rainy day! In anticipation, we have outlined our contingency plan for you as follows:
- There will be Kindergarten Concert in the gymnasium beginning at 10:30. We will be opening the doors for parents as early as 10:00 for early seating for the concert.
- If you would like your older student to watch the concert, please let the classroom teachers know to send them down to the gym.
- Recker Campus Dismissal will be at 10:30- 11:30 am. Please park your cars in the parking lot, church, or the neighborhood, and pick up your child in their classrooms. Please keep in mind that it may be quite rainy.
- We will be having limited tables and seating in the gymnasium for our picnic. The cafeteria will have our donated pies and treats.
- K-8 Thankful Art will be hung in the gymnasium.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Mrs. Sarah Laramie, M.A.
Principal, Recker Campus
Educational Tax Credits for Students
Please give and forward links to friends and family that live in Arizona and ask them to give to support our wonderful school community. It makes a difference!
Private School Tax Credit
Our Private Montessori School gives out around $45,000.00 a year in scholarships. We are able to offer these scholarships because of the Arizona Private School tax credit program. The best part is whatever you contribute, you will receive dollar for dollar back on your state taxes with this program as well. So, if you give $500, you can deduct that $500 off what you owe in taxes. If you are a married couple, you may contribute up to $1,138. If you are single, the total amount that you can contribute is $569.
Make a Private School Tax Credit Donation
Arizona Public School Tax Credit
The public school tax credit program is the perfect way to give and support San Tan’s K-12 Charter School specials programs. The program is a win/win for everyone. The best part is whatever you contribute, you will receive dollar for dollar back on your state taxes. So, if you give $100, you can deduct that $100 off what you owe in taxes. If you are a married couple, you may only contribute up to $400. If you are single, the total amount that you can contribute is $200. A one-time contribution is also wonderful.
Make a Public School Tax Credit Donation
Ms. Rita Sippel, M. Ed.
San Tan Montessori
Chief Customer Officer / Assistant Superintendent
San Tan Charter School, K-12
Recker Campus
3959 E. Elliot Road
Gilbert, AZ 85234
Southwest corner of Higley and Recker Roads
Power Campus
3232 S Power Road
Gilbert, AZ 85234
Northwest area of Power and Elliot Roads / / 480-222-0811 ex. 2
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”