Shanisha Richardson

Shanisha Richardson

Dean of Students K-6

My Bio

Birthday: June 29th

A Few of My Favorites...

Color(s):          Pink

Flower(s): Orchid, Hibiscus

Healthy Snack(s): Cherries, Mangos

“Junk Food” Treat(s): Purple Skittles, Ruffles Plain

Drink(s): Sprite

Scent(s)/Essential Oil(s): Victoria Secret Endless Love

Game(s): Trivia

Sit-Down Restaurant(s): Brio

Fast Food Restaurant(s): In and Out, Chick Filet

Place(s) to Receive a Gift Card: Ross

Most used school/office supply: Post It, Pens

What I would really like is: Cute positive saying for my office.

Heroes: Parents

Hobbies: Streaming