Kim Aguilar
Montessori Kinder Teacher
- National Center for Montessori Education
- Montessori Early Childhood Education
- (480) 222-0811
- kaguilar@santancs.com
Montessori Kinder Teacher
- National Center for Montessori Education
- Montessori Early Childhood Education
- (480) 222-0811
- kaguilar@santancs.com
My Bio
Hello, my name is Kim Aguilar and I am extremely excited to start my 3rd year as the San Tan Montessori, Montessori Kindergarten Lead Teacher.
I grew up on an indigenous land of San Felipe Pueblo in New Mexico. I miss the four seasons and my cultural heritage. I moved to Phoenix, Arizona 19 years ago with my husband Andy, who is British, and our daughter Victoria, who is now 25 years old and an ASU graduate! We have one dog who is treated like the baby of the house, and he is kept in good hands. I enjoy scrapbooking, jewelry crafting, and our family enjoys another passion…traveling! We have been to Belize, Cozumel, Peru, Scotland, Ireland and England. Our last travels were to Alaska.
It is my mission to instill the love of learning in my students and develop their desire to become life-long learners. I feel very lucky and grateful to have had the opportunity to grow as a teacher these past 21 years and look forward to continue learning from my students and become a better teacher with each passing school year, here at San Tan Charter School.
Birthday: January 2
--- My Favorite Things ---
Color(s): Yellow
Flower(s): Sunflowers
Healthy Snack(s): Almond nuts
“Junk Food” Treat(s): oatmeal cookies
Drink(s): Chi Latte and tea
Scent(s)/Essential Oil(s): Eucalyptus
Game(s): Rummikub
Sit-Down Restaurant(s): Passage to India and Olive Garden
Fast Food Restaurant(s): Zupas and Chick-fil-A
Place(s) to Receive a Gift Card: Amazon, Target, and Michaels
Most used school/office supply: Gel Pens
What I would really like is: I would like to see England win the World Cup Soccer!
Heroes: My mother
Hobbies: Painting and scrapbooking